With their proven experience and regularly updated specialist knowledge, our firm’s lawyers can provide fast and sound legal advice in their different areas of expertise.
They also offer precise legal opinions directed towards finding practical solutions.
Our firm’s lawyers regularly conduct civil, criminal and administrative proceedings before the cantonal and federal legal authorities as well as before supranational bodies. Our clients are involved in the decision-making process throughout the proceedings.
Whenever possible and appropriate, our firm’s lawyers seek to resolve disputes through negotiation or alternative dispute resolution methods.
The enforcement of Swiss and international judgments, sequestrations and debt recovery, in line with debt enforcement and bankruptcy law and the Lugano Convention, are among our firm’s areas of expertise. We guarantee a fast and efficient service for all these proceedings, which require regular and systematic monitoring.
Our firm also has extensive experience in helping with untraceable assets, such as bank accounts or cultural property. We regularly assist our clients by implementing a range of procedures concerning accountability or the requirement to produce documents. For this, we occasionally request the assistance of companies offering specialised forensic and investigation services.
Our firm is active in the area of economic crime, offering assistance to aggrieved private individuals and companies. Cases of unfair management, fraud, embezzlement or corruption, for example, are subject to detailed analysis so that criminal charges can be filed at federal and cantonal levels. Such proceedings permit the sequestration of securities that are the proceeds of offences.
We also cover the civil aspects of these issues, such as wealth management disputes, from the point of view of breach of contract.
The Swiss Bar Association (SBA) has created the title of SBA Specialist Lawyer to meet the ever-increasing demand from clients seeking legal advice and representation in specific areas from accredited specialist lawyers.
The SBA thus awards accreditation to specialists with extensive experience in a particular field of law and who have undergone a solid training identical throughout Switzerland. Even after receiving accreditation, specialist lawyers are required to update their knowledge constantly and are regularly monitored in this respect.
Due to their expert knowledge, specialist lawyers can often respond more quickly and efficiently to the expectations of clients in their areas of specialisation. Nevertheless, specialist lawyers continue to carry out mandates that are not specific to their specialisation in other, more general, areas of law. Indeed, specialisation in a particular field does not in any way affect their experience or mastery of other branches of law, so that specialist lawyers can still advise their clients effectively in all areas of law.
Four of our firm’s partners have been awarded the title of SBA specialist lawyer:
- Christian Bruchez, SBA specialist in labour law and lecturer for the SBA specialisation courses in labour law;
- Giuseppe Donatiello, SBA specialist in labour law;
- Eric Maugué, SBA specialist in civil liability and insurance law;
- Emilie Conti Morel, SBA specialist in civil liability and insurance law.
According to league tables published by Le Tempsand Bilanzin 2017 and 2018, based on a survey of over 7000 lawyers, some 450 in-house lawyers and the heads of legal services of the 500 largest companies in Switzerland, our law firm was one of the most highly recommended in the specialist areas listed above.
Our firm assists and provides advice to private individuals, companies, professional organisations, social partners, joint committees as well as public bodies and institutions in the areas of labour and civil service law (legal consultations and opinions, drafting contractual and regulatory documents, conflict prevention, conducting negotiations and administrative or legal proceedings).
We have particular recognised expertise in the area of collective labour relations and issues relating to the protection of personality rights, data protection, occupational health and gender equality.
What’s more, our lawyers can provide expert advice on international civil service law. They regularly intervene before the internal appeal bodies of international organisations and the ILO Administrative Tribunal.
Our firm enjoys recognised expertise in the complex and evolving field of pension funds (2ndpillar). We advise policyholders, companies and social partners in this respect, including any transnational aspects. Our lawyers regularly conduct legal proceedings relating to retirement, invalidity and death benefits and to the recovery of contributions.
In addition, we advise pension fund institutions and their constituent bodies in matters of collective management, civil liability and recourse actions against third parties accountable fordamage.
Our firm has cutting-edge expertise and extensive experience in the field of social insurance (invalidity, accident, sickness, supplementary benefits, unemployment, family allowances, and maternity insurance) and private insurance (in particular, supplementary health or accident insurance and life insurance). We also handle international and cross-border issues.
In these complex and constantly-evolving fields, our lawyers advise private individuals and companies in their dealings with insurance companies, especially in legal and administrative proceedings relating to benefits (daily allowances and annuities, coverage of medical costs, etc.) and contributions. We also facilitate access to medical expertise for our clients when required.
In the area of civil liability, we defend the interests of our clients whether they are the victims or perpetrators of a damaging event (road accident, workplace accident, etc.) or faced with an issue of contractual liability (professional misconduct, medical liability, accountability of bodies, etc.).
We also offer our clients guidance on the issues of the principle of accountability and the calculation of damages (loss of income, domestic compensation, physical or mental suffering, loss of support, etc.). Our lawyers accompany them through every stage of the process following the damaging event, including negotiations with the opposing parties and insurers, the establishment of expert assessments and representation before the legal, civil or criminal authorities. In addition, we offer pension fund institutions advice on recourse actions.
The Swiss Bar Association (SBA) has created the title of SBA Specialist Lawyer to meet the ever-increasing demand from clients seeking legal advice and representation in specific areas from accredited specialist lawyers.
The SBA thus awards accreditation to specialists with extensive experience in a particular field of law and who have undergone a solid training identical throughout Switzerland. Even after receiving accreditation, specialist lawyers are required to update their knowledge constantly and are regularly monitored in this respect.
Due to their expert knowledge, specialist lawyers can often respond more quickly and efficiently to the expectations of clients in their areas of specialisation. Nevertheless, specialist lawyers continue to carry out mandates that are not specific to their specialisation in other, more general, areas of law. Indeed, specialisation in a particular field does not in any way affect their experience or mastery of other branches of law, so that specialist lawyers can still advise their clients effectively in all areas of law.
Four of our firm’s partners have been awarded the title of SBA specialist lawyer:
- Christian Bruchez, SBA specialist in labour law and lecturer for the SBA specialisation courses in labour law;
- Giuseppe Donatiello, SBA specialist in labour law;
- Eric Maugué, SBA specialist in civil liability and insurance law;
- Emilie Conti Morel, SBA specialist in civil liability and insurance law.
According to league tables published by Le Tempsand Bilanzin 2017 and 2018, based on a survey of over 7000 lawyers, some 450 in-house lawyers and the heads of legal services of the 500 largest companies in Switzerland, our law firm was one of the most highly recommended in the specialist areas listed above.
Our firm assists and provides advice to private individuals, companies, professional organisations, social partners, joint committees as well as public bodies and institutions in the areas of labour and civil service law (legal consultations and opinions, drafting contractual and regulatory documents, conflict prevention, conducting negotiations and administrative or legal proceedings).
We have particular recognised expertise in the area of collective labour relations and issues relating to the protection of personality rights, data protection, occupational health and gender equality.
What’s more, our lawyers can provide expert advice on international civil service law. They regularly intervene before the internal appeal bodies of international organisations and the ILO Administrative Tribunal.
Our firm enjoys recognised expertise in the complex and evolving field of pension funds (2ndpillar). We advise policyholders, companies and social partners in this respect, including any transnational aspects. Our lawyers regularly conduct legal proceedings relating to retirement, invalidity and death benefits and to the recovery of contributions.
In addition, we advise pension fund institutions and their constituent bodies in matters of collective management, civil liability and recourse actions against third parties accountable fordamage.
Our firm has cutting-edge expertise and extensive experience in the field of social insurance (invalidity, accident, sickness, supplementary benefits, unemployment, family allowances, and maternity insurance) and private insurance (in particular, supplementary health or accident insurance and life insurance). We also handle international and cross-border issues.
In these complex and constantly-evolving fields, our lawyers advise private individuals and companies in their dealings with insurance companies, especially in legal and administrative proceedings relating to benefits (daily allowances and annuities, coverage of medical costs, etc.) and contributions. We also facilitate access to medical expertise for our clients when required.
In the area of civil liability, we defend the interests of our clients whether they are the victims or perpetrators of a damaging event (road accident, workplace accident, etc.) or faced with an issue of contractual liability (professional misconduct, medical liability, accountability of bodies, etc.).
We also offer our clients guidance on the issues of the principle of accountability and the calculation of damages (loss of income, domestic compensation, physical or mental suffering, loss of support, etc.). Our lawyers accompany them through every stage of the process following the damaging event, including negotiations with the opposing parties and insurers, the establishment of expert assessments and representation before the legal, civil or criminal authorities. In addition, we offer pension fund institutions advice on recourse actions.